
Friday, May 1, 2009

Stuff I learned in School: Pre-Trial Motions in Law

I'm learning about Motions in Law (Motions? Where's my Dramamine). Anyhow, I found an article in that broke it down for me.

"After the preliminary hearing and before a criminal case goes to trial, the prosecutor and the defense team usually appear before a criminal court judge and make pre-trial motions [...] Pre-trial motions are tools used by the government and the defense in an effort to set the boundaries for trial, should one take place: What physical evidence and testimony can be used? What legal arguments can and cannot be made? Is there any reason that the defendant should not be forced to stand trial?"

So, an easy way of thinking of what Pre-trial Motions do is, God forbid you get arrested and before you go to trial, the lawyers and judge set up the legal playing field. But if your luck goes south and you get convicted, just remember that there's always P90X's Tony Horton's Prison Cell Push-ups to pass the time. This guy's good!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Last Night's Design Class

We saw a film last night in class called Helvetica. It's a film about a font. Sounds super boring right? But I had no idea how ubiquitous that font is. You see it EVERYWHERE! I think I was the only one who found the film interesting, though. When the prof turned on the light, half the room was asleep.

The Helvetica font makes me think of this Old School Puerto Rican saying when they'd see shit over and over, "I even see it in my soup." But they don't use Helvetica in alphabet soup. Maybe the serifs make the soup taste better? (a little font humour for you).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blogger and Brochure Newbie

Hello World!

I am both a newbie in Blogger and I'm a student of Computer Graphics and Imaging. I have an information graphics assignment due today which is my first booklet. The assignment was to create a booklet illustrating my commute to school. 

I'm a sophomore in college in my 30's. I chose to switch careers and to finish school. I was in the finance profession, a totally left-brain field. It's not an ideal environment for a creative person to be in. Imagine how free I felt when after staring at invoices and financial statements for years on a computer screen (all boxes and squares) I now draw and paint with Adobe CS3

The economy and my lack of experience has made it a little hard to find work in the art field, but I am determined to do what I can to reach my goals no matter how long it takes.

So I'll leave you with this thought, stay true to your goals and follow your heart. If you are unhappy with where your at, then think about what needs to be changed and tweak your life.